Imagine for a moment that it’s raining. It is pouring, in fact. And inagine that you are inside your house, watching as it falls. But imagine that there is something very different about this rain. It is unlike any other you’re ever seen. On this day, it is not raining water. It is raining something much more precious to you. Imagine that on this day it is raining hundred rand bills. Continue Reading →
Category Archives: Quran
Role of hazrat Jibrail A.S in Shab-e-Meraj
It has been mentioned in the Holly Quran that
“Who is an enemy to Jebrail! For he it is who hath disclosed (this scripture) to thy heart by God’s leave, confirming that which was (disclosed) before it, and a direction and glad tidings to believers.”
How to Extract Gems from the Quran
Many of us are very much popular with the Gems extraction from the Quran. This grateful thing can be made possible by only the people who have lot of experience on the Quran and tafsir session. These tafsirs are very much powerful and strong and in some ways are unrivaled. And for this Gems extraction from the holy Quran you need to do a great research and analysis on this holy book. Continue Reading →
The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad – Do They Really Hold Any Ground?
In every religion, there are always one or two foundations on which beliefs and values are based on. Such is the same with the Muslims who can be regarded as the descendants of Prophet Muhammad. Thus, they ensure that their everyday life is guided by Sunnah as they tend to see it as the perfect bench mark to follow. Continue Reading →
Women according to the Holy Quran and Hadith
In the west, many people have the wrong concept that women of the east or those following the religion Islam have no rights. They say that most women are abused in this region and suffer a lot. They say that most Muslim women are uneducated; when they are pregnant, they do all heavy chores and suffer harsh treatment from their dominant husbands. Continue Reading →
Read the Quran Regularly!