Muslim Couple
Muslim Couple
Nikah is the Islamic word for a marriage contract in which the bride and the groom promises in front of relatives usually close family members of both the sides to accept each other for the rest of their lives.
The importance of Nikah can be understood through the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who replied when once asked “What is more important than prayers”, he replied, “the spirit of prayer”, similarly when asked what was more important than fasting the answer was the spirit of fasting and so for everything else I Islam the most important thing is the spirit behind the action as it is the main guide which leads to action. So in this case what is more important than the marriage is its spirit which in this case is the Nikah?
NIKAH is a binding between two souls which can be conducted either at a single place where both the groom and bride are present or the help of the modern technology can also be taken and nowadays telephone and internet is also being used for conducting Islamic marriages or the Nokah.
The Hijab, which is the Arabic word of the veil is much emphasized is Islam and is considered a part of it as Islam lays much stress on the covering of a Muslim women in every age and step. In many societies Hijab is considered as a cultural part and something that is not a part of the Islamic religion however this is not the case. Anything that is deemed as cultural tends to have its roots from common practices and customs that have been living through for a long time now. Rather the covering of the women which resided in the past and carried on as a cultural aspect was known as the “Jahiliyah” which covered the women rendering her as a lower being as compared to man.
Islam gave the concept of Hijab or a veil to make the women an equal part of the society rather earning her more respect and dignity in the society. Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared clearly that it is incumbent upon every single Muslim to search for awareness no matter how far you have to go searching for it. Islam respects all women as equals in a society and the reason for recommending Hijab to them is only to provide them more self respect and an added bodily protection from the evils and wrongs of the society which are also a part of every civilization.
Women in Islam have many rights which were given to them 1400 years ago which are not well known even by many Muslims today. Women in Islam is give in some instances much more respect and honor than anything else and women are not just mere individuals to serve men or look after their homes or babies rather they are acknowledged as an individual being that has much self respect.
Marriage in Islam is of huge importance. It is a sacred agreement between a man and a woman to be together in all times. The wed lock (Nikkah) allows the man and the woman to be together and grants this relationship a social, cultural, legal as well as religious/ holy permission to exist.
A typical Islamic marriage, one in which Islamic rules are being observed, is a symbol of love and unity. Islam prohibits dowry being obtained from the parents of the bride. The man is responsible for all the expenses. Islamic wedding parties are supposed to be attended by close family members and friends of the boy and the girl. This ceremony is supposed to be a simple one instead of being very pompous or elaborate.
Parents of the girl are to give only the essentials to their daughter. Hence it puts no economic or social pressure on them. This is different to Western traditions, where the bride’s parents are supposed to provide her with a dowry, as well as pay for the wedding.
Islam gives equal rights to man and woman. A woman has the right to file a divorce case under Islamic laws. Islam gives ultimate freedom to women by declaring that if a woman does not like her husband for some reason, she can get a divorce without further delay. A man is entitled to the same consideration.
A Muslim man is responsible for earning for the household. He is bound by Islamic law to keep his wife happy and comfortable otherwise the woman has the right to leave him. Again this varies greatly from the Westerner, who technically has to provide for the woman, but all too often does not. The Islamic system also propagates a separate family setup in which husband and wife are allowed to have personal privacy. In the Islam world, the husband has to be just in his relationship with his woman. This is despite the fact that Islam allows the man to marry four times but he must seek the first woman’s permission for it. It is allowed only if the man is capable of being just to all of them. In the Western world, this is forbidden and punishable in a court-of-law if the law of monogamy is broken.
Giving man and woman equal rights and conferring equal duties shows that Islam wants a house to be an institute where living together is not a compulsion. Living together should arise out of love and not be a compromise. Islam believes in love and pursues this aim in every walk of life with ultimate determination.
Prophet Muhammad, said: “The one who marry a girl because of wealth, Allah does not make him rich. The one who marry a girl because of beauty, God discovers what dislikes and what it was ugly. The one who marry a girl because of her faith, Allah will give him a fortune“ .
In marriage husband and wife complete each other.
“Women are the clothes of yours and you are the clothes of their. Clothing has three purposes: to cover, protect and polish.
In Islam, a guy and a girl become permitted each other only when they get married .Every relationship outside of marriage is perversion.
The woman is more sensitive and physically weaker than men. She experiences life more emotionally and understand many things that man has never been able to understand. Every man has to know and respect this. She is physically weak, so the husband’s duty is to care for his family’s expenses. About this Allah says in his book: “Men take care of women because Allah has given the advantage of one over another”…
In Islam, the role of women and men are divided into: a woman is a mother and she is manager of housekeeping while the husband earns livelihood. Woman, with psyche and bodily structure is prepared to be a mother. Because of this important role, which requires all of her time, she was exempt from work and occupations outside the home.
The Quran even says: “They (women) have the same rights as husbands, but husbands have the advantage over them for a degree.” Islam gives all the rights of woman and man, eg the right to work, education, spiritual elevation, intellectual development, but being a wife and mother were in the first place.
This man advantage for a degree by the fact that he is physically stronger and less susceptible to the emotions than women. Because the most important questions and decisions in family life Islam gives to husbands last word. Proved by the fact that a woman listens to her feelings while man is more reliant on his intellect.
Divorce in Islam is undesirable. Prophet said: “Of all the things that are allowed by Islam, divorce is the worst.”
Finally, I ask Allah Ta’ala to show us the right path. Amen.
Allah in Quran says:”your wives are a garment for you, and you are a garment for
them”.[Quran] Marriage is of high importance in Islam. The male and female complete each
other. Allah has created male and female pairs so that they can live with each other after
marriage and support each other in every walk of life. Islamic Marriages are quite simple and
doesn’t require a lot of money to marry in Islam.
Allah says in Quran:” It is He who created you from a single soul, And made its mate of like
nature in order that you might dwell with her in love….”.[Quran] The male and female are made
for each other and marriage is the way in which they should spend their lives and help each
other. Nikkah is that auspicious ceremony which binds the two souls in the ways prescribed in
Islam for marriage. Marriage in Islam is considered the reflection of nature. Islamic Marriages
consists of NIKKAH, BARAT and WALIMA. Nikkah is the binding of two souls for life. Barat
is the ceremony in which the bride departs from her parent’s house to go to her husband’s house.
Walima is the celebration of marriage and the groom holds this ceremony.
Although there have entered much new traditions and they are gaining popularity as like
other religions Muslims also take the event of marriage as a milestone in the life of both bride
and groom as well as their respective families. One of these traditions is calling upon all the
distant relatives and friends to attend the ceremony that may go on from a week to three days
time. Despite the fact that Islam, the religion advocates upon the simplicity and prohibits the
extravagant behaviors and excessiveness but not many are following the Islamic pattern. You can
see a lavish display of expensive outfits, women adorned with gold jewelry and of course, the
prodigality is eminent.
Islamic marriages are celebrated in their own unique manner that varies from one Islamic
country to another. Even the difference is great between the regional marriage ceremonies.
However, the core Islamic traditions remain the same only that every culture incorporates some
of its own traditions that leads towards the divergence.