
The negligence towards the Divine caused him a lot of suffering. At one point of his life, it made him pay a lot. He accuses his own heart, confesses, repents and asks for the forgiveness. The Creator listens to his prayers and contemplations. He is being heard well and the veils on his heart are lifted.

The person comes under new light and he can see the new picture. A picture that he painted himself – only this time his Lord want him to take the brush, load it with opaque color and start repainting. He covers the canvas and prepares a new base. He loads his brush again but this time he is wise. He selects the beautiful subtle shades. All the colors of nature around him and those that he just became aware of – hues of red, blue and yellow – with lots of pure white to create all the new tints of life.

He has come to know of the One and Only God, Allah SWT. He starts getting his inspirations from everything around him. From the plants – from the wind – from the sun, stars and moon – from his son, daughter and friends – from strangers – from the pets – from the books, movies and songs – from the poems and prose – He can see the signs of His sovereignty everywhere. His heart has reached the third stage called the nafs of Mulhamah.

Allah SWT has given to his heart the strength it needed to break free the chains of selfishness, anger, resentment, jealousy, regrets, sadness, falsehood and break all the idols he once formed in his heart knowingly and unknowingly. He is blessed with the insight to go beyond the limitations of his hands and feet and all of the five senses. He can feel with his sixth sense and the barren land of his heart has become fertile enough to sow the seed of love for cultivation.

His heart has got all the ingredients to grow the seed and now he waits for the gardener to water and let the sprouting begin. This small seed of love will need lots of care, patience and constant attention of the gardener to grow into small plant. With regular care and effort, the small plant will turn into a huge tree with roots deeper in the soils of his heart. His roots will be able to suck all the water from deep below to use it for the nourishment of his soul.

He can survive for days without the food but may not rest long to get food for his soul. At the current stage and later on he would have no fear to put him in melancholy. He is granted the real knowledge with amalgamation of his beliefs. The blend is perfect with information, experience and patience he has collected over the years. From the first stage to the third followed by the fourth the person goes through awesome, tiresome and of course, rewarding journey of his nafs and soul.

He has now entered the fourth stage of nafs called the Nafs of Mutmainnah. He has turned his dissatisfaction in to tranquility and his nature has transformed from the unrest to serene. The fruit of his efforts is now about to grow on the tree he planted so long ago. He has reached to the state of calmness, Gayan, Nirvana and found his salvation. He did not have to quit the world and go to the jungles. All he needed to do was to realize his own self and explore.

Only the self-realization has done the trick and it has brought him to where he is. He is no more a victim of depression, possessed by worldly desires, haunted by his own consciousness. He has broken the idols in his heart and now he will live as a free man. He bows down to supremacy of Allah SWT and gives up his will to please Him SWT.

Continue Part 3…

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