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The last 10 days of Ramadan

41194 ramadan The last 10 days of RamadanThough all parts of Ramadan are full of blessings and rewards, its last ten days hold a special status reflected in the recommendations and practices of the Messenger of  Allah(pbuh), and his companions.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

“In Ramadan there is a night which is better than a thousand months, and whoever is deprived of its goodness is indeed deprived.”

“Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.”

Here are some tips of things we can do on the Night of Power and the time before and  after it.

Take a vacation for Allah.

We take a break from our jobs for almost everything in life. Why not this time to focus on worshiping and thanking our Creator.

Do I’tikaf.

It was a practice of the Prophet to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the masjid for I’tikaf.

Make this special Dua.

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: ‘O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?’  He said: ‘Say: O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.’

Recite the Quran.

Perhaps you can choose Surahs or passages from the Quran, which you have heard in Tarawih this past Ramadan to recite. Reflect on the meaning of the Quran.

Choose the latest Surah or Surahs you’ve heard in Tarawih and read their translation and Tafseer. Then think deeply about their meaning and how it affects you on a personal level.

Get your sins wiped out.

Don’t just pray using the shorter Surahs that you know. Try to make your prayers longer, deeper and meaningful. If you are familiar with longer Surahs, read the translation and explanation and then pray reciting these Surahs, carefully reflecting on the meaning while you pray.

Even if you are only familiar with the shorter Surahs, read the translation and  explanation beforehand, and then pray reflecting on the message of the Surahs.

Make long, sincere and deep Duas

One of the best times to do this is during the last part of the night.

Attend the Dua after the completion of Quran recitation

Almost all Masjids where the Imam aims to finish an entire reading of the Quran in Tarawih prayers in Ramadan will be completing their recitation in these last ten nights.

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