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Muslim pilgrims pray atop mount arafat

2chak9x 480x659 Muslim pilgrims pray atop mount arafat

Muslim pilgrims pray outside namira mosque in arafat near mecca

11m73ax 480x640 Muslim pilgrims pray outside namira mosque in arafat near mecca

An ambulance is parked among thousands of muslim pilgrims praying near the namira mosque at mount arafat

2hpisxy 480x650 An ambulance is parked among thousands of muslim pilgrims praying near the namira mosque at mount arafat

Muslim pilgrims are seen on their way towards a rocky hill called mount arafat

2gy6i6o 480x624 Muslim pilgrims are seen on their way towards a rocky hill called mount arafat

Muslim pilgrims are crowded together in mina near mecca

6yjd3m 480x651 Muslim pilgrims are crowded together in mina near mecca

Saudi arabian men ride on the newly opened holy sites metro light rail in mecca

oi4okl 480x616 Saudi arabian men ride on the newly opened holy sites metro light rail in mecca

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