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A Muslim’s Guide to Rejecting Prom Dates

Today most of the high school boys and girls have interested to participate in the prom function, which would be conducted at the last day of school or college years. Even though these prom nights would be more entertaining one, it would be better for the students to get away from those nights. It would be one of the best ways to show your devotion towards Allah.

When you have gone through the Prom nights to enjoy with your friends, it would probably make you get with the hormonally-repressed thing. Because of this reason it has become as necessary for you to avoid prom nights in order to get rid from huge sin. It is even better to avoid the prom date proposal that you have got from girls.

How to avoid prom dates?

If you don’t want to go with the prom dates and still there are many proposals from girls for prom dates, it has become as necessary for you to follow the following things in order to get rid from that.

  • Don’t groom your beardSince most of the girls would get attracted because of the beard that has been maintained in good way, it would be better for you to stop grooming beard. You should stop to trim, shape and wash the beard for three months or for a long time. This would probably make your face to be hairy one and hence no one will propose to you for prom dates
  • Avoid using deodorant
    Another important thing that would attract most of the girls to ask you for prom date would be the excellent deodorant. It would be better for you to avoid using the deodorant, in order to avoid prom dates. You can go for jogging half an hour in the morning and then go to school or college without changing your dress. This would probably be helpful for no one to ask you to date in future
  • Pretend as you are married
    Wearing a fake ring to pretend you as married would be one of the anti-prom date techniques that work forever. If any girl asked you about your wife just tell her as that she is so pretty than they are and also more good things about your imaginary wife. This would probably make a girl to get away from asking you for prom dates. But you should have to be very careful. Since, you have imagined about your wife for a long time this would probably make you stop marrying real girl.

If you have followed out all these techniques you would probably get rid from prom date’s proposals. These are all the techniques for boys.

Compare to boys, girls would get more prom date proposals and the things that they have to follow for avoiding prom dates are as follows:

  • Wear a fake beard
    Even though this is more funny way, it would probably make you avoid prom date proposals
  • Bring your dad to school
    This would make most of the boys to get scare about your dad and hence no proposals would be in future
  • Wear a scary Niqab
    Rather than wearing an excellent and designer Niqab, you can go for scary Niqab

All these things would probably help you get rid from prom date proposals in an efficient and reliable way.

The Status of the beard according to the Islam

Assalaamo alaikum,
Having beard and letting the beard grow is necessary or not, as it is also a sunnah. Is it a sin to shave the beard? and how much circumcision is necessary if somebody keeps himself clean and do ghusl properly and make istinzaa thoroughly clean? If having beard is a choice than having circumcision is choice or not?

Wa alaykumus Salaam
The keeping of the beard to the length of one fist is not a sunnah but rather it is waajib according to the hanafi math hab. To shorten it less than that is regarded as fisq and a person who does it will be deprived of the intercession of Rasulullaah Salallaahu alayhi wasallam. When the emmisaries of kisra came to Rasulullaah salallaahu alayhi wasallam with their big moustaches and shaved faces, Rasulillaah saaws refused to even look at them, though they were kuffar. How then of a muslim? Rasulullah salallaahu alayhi wasallam made it clear to them that” My lord has ordered me to lenghten my beard and trim my moustache”. Therefore to think the beard a choice is wrong.

As for circumcition it is a sunnah of all the ambiyaa A.S. and therefore regarded as a natural trait and an compulsory afct..

Yes the beard and circumcition are both the same but there is no choice for us in it.
Wallaahu a3lam.

Source: jaamiahamidia