
Eid was busy as usual yesterday. Atleast we didn’t have three Eids this year in Pakistan, Alhamdulillah. A brother said, two Eids are good for ta’addud. Two wives, two eids icon smile Taaddud was Cultural?

Today we will look into the claim made by people that the Ta’addud praticed in the time of Rasool Allah صلي الله عليه وسلم was cultural and more due to cultural reasons than Islamic.

I will ask only Two Questions: (and answer them myself icon smile Taaddud was Cultural? )

Why did Rasool Allah صلي الله عليه وسلم stay with just ONE WIFE in all his prime years and go against the culture of Arabs at that time?

The reason is simple. Because Islam came to demolish all cultures except the Culture of Islam. Before Prophethood and the revelation of Islam in detail, Rasool Allah صلي الله عليه وسلم stayed away from all kind of cultural things and from Dunia itself. He stayed away from people and always tried to find the truth. He stayed with one wife for a long period of time. He went to the Cave and did Ibadah of Allah subhanahu for days. This clearly shows that He went against the culture of Arabs. So why did he marry later on? Simple, because He صلي الله عليه وسلم came to know from the detailed revelation of Islam that Nikah is an Ibadah and it is encouraged. That is why he practiced Ta’addud.

If we accept the fact that it was due to the lack of interest in Dunia, then why did Rasool Allah صلي الله عليه وسلم marry 11 times after Hazrat Khadeejah’s رضي الله عنها death?

And Islam should have increased the lack of interest in Dunia and the zeal for Akhirah. So he should have stayed unmarried the rest of his life but he married around 11 times more. This clearly shows that Ta’addud e Nikah is encouraged by Islam. And to teach the Ummah that if it was an evil thing, A Nabi wouldn’t do it. And his practice clearly shows that more than one Nikah is preferable than just one nikah. If it was the case, then our Prophet would’ve had one wife only. But he didn’t.

This clearly shows that Ta’addud was NOT BECAUSE OF CULTURE. It was because of encouragement of our great religion – Islam!
