
911 terrorist attacks The loyal Muslims of the USA

The 9/11 terrorist attacks affected the entire world, leaving behind a baggage of uncertainty. It left behind a nation full of grief. But for the Muslims in the USA, it caused a 360 degree drift in their day to day lives. An estimated six Million American Muslims were shattered and devastated at the harm done to their country, but unlike the other Americans, these Muslims had to deal with the insults and the ache of being rejected by their fellow Americans.

Islam in the USA, immediately after the 9/11 attacks, became unsteady as the Muslims (especially the youth) became uncertain regarding their faith and identity as a follower of Islam. However, simultaneously, on the other hand many became more adamant and established a stronger sense of self and placed higher belief in their teachings and traditions. The reaction was different throughout the country.

The misrepresentation of Muslims as terrorists by the media and the discrimination done against them in the society at large caused many young Muslims to try and change themselves in order to be accepted by those around them. Many young Muslim girls decided to give up their head scarf while many Muslim men decided to shave off their beards. Some went to the extreme of changing their names just for the sake of being acknowledged as true Americans. Many took the other path, strengthened their faith in their religion and with the help of the organizations they worked with passed on statements and religious verdicts against terrorism, strictly condemning the 9/11 attacks. Through various ways, such as peaceful rallies and the media, the American Muslims tried to prove they were loyal to the United States of America and tried to portray the true picture of Islam as a religion of peace.

Eventually the picture of Islam began to grow stronger. While many complained of being victimized by discrimination, other Muslims claimed that post 9/11 their fellow non-Muslim Americans became more encouraging and helpful. Islam, as a religion and as a topic of discussion, has evidently grown throughout the USA. Many books are being published on the Islamic culture where as the Koran, the Muslim’s holy book, has become one of the bestsellers. On a more grass root level, Muslim Student’s organizations have made their way into American high schools.

The role of the Islamic mosques has drastically changed since, as now it is not strictly a place for worship. Socialization and Islamic preaching of culture, values and language has grown in the places of worship. The birth of the new Islamic organizations give complete regard and respect to the laws and regulations of the country and wish to ensure that all Muslims are acknowledged in the society and are given the chance to prove their loyalty to the USA.