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Muslim Marriage – A Relationship Which Symbolizes Islam and Love

muslim marriage services Muslim Marriage A Relationship Which Symbolizes Islam and LoveMarriage in Islam is of huge importance. It is a sacred agreement between a man and a woman to be together in all times. The wed lock (Nikkah) allows the man and the woman to be together and grants this relationship a social, cultural, legal as well as religious/ holy permission to exist.

A typical Islamic marriage, one in which Islamic rules are being observed, is a symbol of love and unity. Islam prohibits dowry being obtained from the parents of the bride. The man is responsible for all the expenses. Islamic wedding parties are supposed to be attended by close family members and friends of the boy and the girl. This ceremony is supposed to be a simple one instead of being very pompous or elaborate.

Parents of the girl are to give only the essentials to their daughter. Hence it puts no economic or social pressure on them. This is different to Western traditions, where the bride’s parents are supposed to provide her with a dowry, as well as pay for the wedding.

Islam gives equal rights to man and woman. A woman has the right to file a divorce case under Islamic laws. Islam gives ultimate freedom to women by declaring that if a woman does not like her husband for some reason, she can get a divorce without further delay. A man is entitled to the same consideration.

Muslim Marriage 480x573 Muslim Marriage A Relationship Which Symbolizes Islam and Love

A Muslim man is responsible for earning for the household. He is bound by Islamic law to keep his wife happy and comfortable otherwise the woman has the right to leave him. Again this varies greatly from the Westerner, who technically has to provide for the woman, but all too often does not. The Islamic system also propagates a separate family setup in which husband and wife are allowed to have personal privacy. In the Islam world, the husband has to be just in his relationship with his woman. This is despite the fact that Islam allows the man to marry four times but he must seek the first woman’s permission for it. It is allowed only if the man is capable of being just to all of them. In the Western world, this is forbidden and punishable in a court-of-law if the law of monogamy is broken.

Giving man and woman equal rights and conferring equal duties shows that Islam wants a house to be an institute where living together is not a compulsion. Living together should arise out of love and not be a compromise. Islam believes in love and pursues this aim in every walk of life with ultimate determination.

Islam- A religion of hate or love

love and islam Islam A religion of hate or love

In order to judge if Islam is a religion of hate or love, we first have to establish a standard procedure of judging the religion, a standard that might be the same for all the religions of this world. The necessity for a common definition or procedure of judgment is a prerequisite for contemporary scientific regime. Even apart from that if we judge a phenomenon without any solid grounds, it will come under the attack of emotions and sentiments and will lose authenticity.

Assuming that all religions are to be judged and evaluated by the established teachings of that very religion and not by the actions of its followers, all religions would present quite a different picture.  Islam, if we judge the religion from its fundamental text (Holy Quran) and the Prophet of the religion (Mohammad (PBUH)) will appear to be one of the most peace loving and the most progressive of religions. If Islam is followed at its basics you will find that aggression is frowned upon.

Among the nations, Islam propagates peace and a friendly environment. Islam prohibits unnecessary wars, and strictly warns Muslims not to initiate a war unless for self defense. Law of war and prisoners of today is a derivative of the law presented by Mohammad (PBUH). Islam does not believe in random killing of the civilians, and acts of violence are not permitted outside the battlefield. Islam has very stringent rules against destruction of the property and lives of the civilians in a war and attempts to keep them separate from it.

Islam established the concept of equality 1400 years ago, when human civilization as a whole was nowhere near grasping the idea. Islam abolished slavery by freeing the slaves and Mohammad (PBUH) emphasized the point that all human beings, black or white, educated or illiterate, rich or poor, are created equal. No one holds any superiority over the others. This is important to note this was said in his last address to Muslims. He did not try to teach them tactics to conquer the world or fight their competitors; instead he taught them important lessons concerning humanity. This clarifies the basic theme of Islam- Humanity, love and collectiveness. Love and peace are basis of the religion despite the contradictory practice of some Muslims who have usually been influenced by other factors.

Islam is religion of peace and in Quran it is clearly mentioned that killing of a man is equal to the killing of whole of the humanity where as saving the life of a human is like saving the whole of the humanity. Those who are so called Muslims or those who are not the true followers of Islam have defamed and tried to hurt the image of Islam on purpose. Individuals acts of a person or group of people cannot be associated with the true teachings of Islam.

The Sunnah of Love

sunnah of love The Sunnah of Love

When you have considered about the marriage life of most of the couples, you would probably get that most would get with the marital problems. This is because of the misunderstanding between the couples and also because of people have forgotten about the sunnah of love. This would probably make people to end up with inhospitable relationships.

Root of life

If you have gone through the life between man and his wife, this would probably become as the best and longstanding one because of their love. This love has been considered as root for most of the people and also for people who want to make their life as blessed one.

When you have considered about imams, normally they are untrained to counsel over the couples. This is because basically most of the Islamic people would be aware of Allah’s sunnah of love and hence they don’t have interest to go through the counseling methods that would be helpful for uniting the divided couples. Allah would advise about the true submission of love between man and his wife that too as the comfort one.

Sunnah of love

When you have come across the word sunnah of love, it has become as necessary for you to know about the truth behind it in order to live your life as the best one. Usually the sunnah of love is not an unusual feeling of people or outrageous feeling too. It has been defined as the thing that is common to all and also as the best in literal and theoretical sages.

It is not the thing that can be got by threatening or through other ways. It is the one that most people get in the form of divine love because of their comfort and mutual acceptance.

Expressing your love

The sunnah of love would provide every individual with the following things, in order to make out their life as the lovely one and those are as follows:

  • Every person should express love to loved ones by all means. This would probably increase the comfort and love between them
  • It would be better to avoid unnecessary arguments and also have to be mutual in all the things
  • It is also necessary to make their love to be happy always

All these things would make the people to live their life in the right way by understanding the sunnah of love.

If you want to get with more knowledge on the sunnah of love and also about Allah’s views towards marital life, it would be better for you to go through the resources that are available to provide you with all these information. If you are not able to find out the information through books and other things, it would be better for you to go through the online websites that would offer you with enough information regarding all the things. Since there are many websites available, you should have to go through the professional website to get the things in an efficient and reliable way.

How can one consider them self lonely… Islamic Quote

How can one consider themself lonely How can one consider them self lonely... Islamic Quote

An Internal Change

internal change An Internal Change

“This picture* was taken last year in March. I remember because it was a good day for several reasons. At that point, my life was at a high, but a false high. All the wrong things mattered to me; I couldn’t realize right from wrong. Blinded by feelings, I had given away my soul to the devil for momentary happiness. I thought this was where I belonged, but it turns out I was wrong. Since the events of this year (2011), I’ve come to realize that my life was just for the moment. All those feelings and people wouldn’t do me any good. After hitting rock bottom, I built myself again; this time, I leaned on Allah instead of people. I looked to the higher power to pick me up and put me where I belong. I don’t understand why I thought I was happy back then my life was so unfulfilled.

Today, I can honestly look at myself and admire the changes that have taken place inside of me. I would actually thank people for bringing me so down that I was forced to rise, out of the darkness, and into Allah’s guidance. If I’m lucky and I stay focused, I will be the person I strive to be. And with Allah’s help, I’ll find my way to the salvaged group of people, the believers, the maintainers of truth. InshAllah my life will only get better.”

That is what I wrote for my 30 day challenge on Facebook. I have to admit, it wasn’t the easiest thing to admit to 300 friends, or actually just the 10 or so that generally stalk me; but writing my thoughts down made my realizations stronger, more appealing. Although I have been having a hard time dealing with my emotions lately, something about the presence and security of Allah comforts me.

Being a teenager, I know tons of people my age, maybe a little younger, some a little older, lost in the world. They feel that their problems outweigh them by too much- they feel like they have no support. I know this feeling because I’ve felt it too. Yeah yeah, I know every individual’s experiences are different and all that stuff, but I also know that feelings bring humanity together; so I’ll repeat myself, I’ve been there, in that lost stage, the “I don’t know where I am” stage, the “I’m a messy teenager and I don’t know what to do” stage, and definitely the “I don’t have anyone that understands me” stage.

Personally, it took me a long LONG time to realize what I was missing. I had spent my life as a Muslim but studied the religion, on my own, so rarely. Listening to other people’s lectures and stories and studies didn’t cut it for me anymore. When I reached my breaking point, I looked up to Allah. It started with just talking to him, in my heart, late at night- when I would feel lonely; I had just lost one of my best friends (lost as in we decided to no longer be friends) and the other things in life weren’t looking so good either. The private late night conversations with Allah comforted my heart, I knew he listened and cared. The talks led to me reading Al Sahifah Al Sajjadiyyah Al-kamilah (The Pslams of Islam) by Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (as).  Reading his supplications started creating a change that led to more reading, praying, and finally, perhaps the most important, reading the translation of the Qur’an.

My point is- that the feeling of loneliness and despair disappeared once I let go of my worldly attachments. Once you realize that you can’t always have it you way but that as Muslims we have the best support we could possibly find and everlasting, unconditional love. People may throw you away, treat you like trash, put you down, call you a fatty, or an ugly face, but you have someone that would love me no matter what.

If your hearts aching, you might want to look away from the comfort of people, and look towards the comfort of God.

Surely, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (13:28)

And remember that whatever you’re going through is just for the time being. This life is so temporary; if you aren’t even sure of when your next breath will be, then why waste your time on things that won’t last? People come and go, but Allah is forever- and I don’t mean that in a cheesy, puny way.

Source: www.iqraonline.net

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