I have observed at various channels, social network websites and nowadays the popular Facebook where people can communicate easily with each other. A popular trend is there to discuss the Divine knowledge and discussions on such topics that are very difficult to understand and comprehend by a common person. Most of the people who discuss many sensitive topics in the common group chat and through comments are those that the seekers of knowledge spent their entire lives to understand.

On top of that, these topics are discussed for the sake display of one’s information. It is more like a display but not a transfer of knowledge from one heart to another.

On the internet, billions of websites have stored innumerable information. Very few of them store the real knowledge. It is very hard to differentiate between the real Divine knowledge and mere information. The transfer of information is at times very dangerous for the inexperienced. At the same time, it is inevitable to seek the truth from only the reliable sources.

It is mandatory for every Muslim to walk on the path of those who are blessed. It is mandatory for Muslim to follow and understand the code of life through the Holy Quran and Sunah. However, it is optional to attain the extensive knowledge of Sufism until or unless the person has attained the basic knowledge. Not any tom, dick and harry can follow the Tareeqat because it starts only after one has implemented the Shrayi’ut completely.

Before you opt for the next stage, enter into the circle of Islam completely. It is much better to remain patient, to learn and practice in the present phase until you are matured and reached a certain standing. Once you have reached to that point in your life, after transforming into a real believer, when you have some questions in your mind, only then, walk towards the Sufi path. If you go unprepared and unaware you may lose the track and remain stuck in the riddles and ambiguities.